Entries by ArmengaudInnovate

Sharing of Content

The SmartCorners consortium is fully committed to sharing the results of our activities – more than 40% of the deliverables planned for this project are going to by publicly available. And we can soon share the first of these with you. Of course, this is not going to be all – as further content in […]

General Assembly

Time is running so fast and it was a already a week ago, that we had our first general assembly with the SmartCorners project in Potsdam, Germany. Thanks a lot to the colleauges from UEMI not only hosting us, but creating a wonderful experience of Potsdam with a guided tour through the Dutch quarter and […]

E-VOLVE Cluster News

The next edition of the E-VOLVE Cluster is out! Have a read on the TRA2024 and the EARPA Spring Event with the E-VOLVE cluster presentations, that included the SmartCorners project, as well. You will also find public reports from the cluster member RHODAS and a sneak peak on upcoming events. Find the latest edition HERE.

Update from WP7

SmartCorners is working at full speed and so does Work Package 7 on “Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation of project results”. We are sharing today an impression from our monthly alignment where we are currently discussing and finalizing: We are looking forward to the upcoming SmartCorners meeting beginning of July where we will share these with […]

The SmartCorners Logo

Let’s have a closer look at the SmartCorners Logo – there is a story behind the 5 circles in our Logo and we’re explaining it to you in this video. Thanks to all colleagues involve and…. Stay tuned for more to come 👀

SmartCorners in the 2Zero project portfolio

Last week’s TRA was a great environment to hear and exchange about the most current advancements and innovations in the area of transportation. Due to our participation to the E-VOLVE Cluster and being a selected project from the 2Zero partnership, SmartCorners was represented at various occasions. We are looking forward to the next TRA and […]

E-VOLVE Cluster news

The most recent edition of the E-VOLVE Cluster newsletter is available and this one includes the presentation of our project as new member to the cluster. Take a read on the advancements of the cluster, the throwback on the RTR2024 and what is coming up in the next months here.

About SmartCorners

Do you want to learn more about the SmartCorners project?  Listen to Valentin Ivanov, explaining you the essence of our SmartCorners project in this video 🎥 we recorded during our kick-off meeting.  Just as our scientific lead Valentin, we are all looking forward to the challenging but very interesting advancements during the next three years. And […]

Kick-Off Meeting

May we introduce you to… … the participants to our Kick-off meeting that took place on January 30 and 31 in Graz, Austria. The great contributions and high commitment of all participants turned this meeting into a fruitful, productive and collaborative milestone of the project to continue the work in the first period of the […]